How it works
A sample of the Invention Evaluation Report is HERE
how much does it cost?
Wait, it’s free? Yes it is, because that’s where we come into the picture. We base all of our Inventor Partnerships around a shared revenue agreement - it’s the same principal as licensing out a Patent, but without the cost or headache of actually filing a Patent! We want to license your idea. Brock Endeavors takes on all of the investment, engineering, design, operations, and distribution costs, while you provide the idea for a product. Once your product idea is submitted, we give you an evaluation document, outlining estimated production costs, technical feasibility, and market opportunity. And lastly, you can decide if you would like to proceed in a partnership with us!
the secret to getting ahead, is getting started
who we are
Cameron Brock, entrepreneur, engineer, and founder of Brock Endeavors, talks through what we’re all about. Put simply, we are a privately owned Incubator and Investment Firm that partners with individuals to turn new ideas into real products.
what we do
First, we are in the business of trust. Your invention ideas are 100% protected by our NDA policy - you can even keep a signed copy for your records. We consist of a team of engineers, designers, marketers who are committed to creating the best possible product for you, the Inventor. Turning the product, gadget, or wacky invention you’ve always dreamed about into a real product.